If you are interested in being a part of the Outreach Ministry, please contact Ann Hunter. Our Outreach Ministry provides meals and assists families during difficult times.
Click Here To Sign Up
To Be Determined

Thank You to all that have volunteered to bring food. We have all that we need at this time. The sign-up has been disabled.
RRC, we are preparing a meal for the family of {TBD}, as they have lost their dear loved one.
If you can help by preparing a dish, please use the blue button above “Click Here To Sign Up”. If you are available to help serve, or setup/clean-up, you may also use the link. Thank you for being a blessing!
Specific Needs:
The church will provide Fried Chicken & Ham we are in need of the following, we are planning to serve 100-125 people.
- Main Dishes (TBD Needed)
- Casseroles (TBD Needed)
- Mac & Cheese (TBD Needed)
- Veggies (TBD Needed)
- Salads (TBD Needed)
- Desserts (TBD Needed)
Funeral Service:
Please have your dish to the church by TBD.
View Obituary