Greetings! Just a quick update on what’s happening in Raiford Road Children’s Church, and to share some exciting changes that are on the horizon. In the interest of better security, plans are in the making for a computerized check-in system where parents will sign their children in prior to the morning service. They will continue to be excused from “big church” by the Pastor to exit with their leaders as usual, and parents will pick them up after service at the front door of the building. The inner doors will remain locked during the services with an adult posted nearby to allow entrance or exit if necessary. These steps are being taken to further ensure the safety of every child.
Training our kids at RRC to be life-long, faithful followers of Jesus Christ is our top priority, and we will strive to achieve that goal through Worship in music, Worship in the Word of God, Worship in prayer, and Worship in tithes and offerings. Our children enjoy placing their tithes and offerings into a miniature wooden church building that we have labeled “The Storehouse”. We feel this is one step towards teaching financial stewardship and generosity, especially for kids who earn an allowance as well as those who like to bring loose change. Parents can help by reminding them to bring their offerings as well as their bibles, as we will soon be starting a recognition/reward program for those who bring their bibles each week. Strong emphasis is always placed on respecting God’s house, honoring God’s Word, and reverence and participation during prayer times.
We are also thrilled to announce our amazing new curriculum, the “Superbook Academy!” Created by the 700 Club, these powerful DVD lessons follow the Word of God very closely, and from Genesis to Revelation they explain how the entire Bible is pointing to the central message of salvation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
We thank God for our dedicated group of Adult Leaders who serve on a rotating basis. Please be much in prayer for this ministry, our children, and the leadership team.
We are committed to training young Champions for Christ through providing an actual church service geared and targeted to children ages K-5th grade. Thank you so much for entrusting your children to us each week, and please know that you are always welcome to join us for a service and witness the Raiford Road Children’s Church experience for yourself!
In the love of Jesus,
Cheryl L. Nunn
We strongly emphasis the teaching/training of our children to be disciples of Christ through the following:
*Worship in songs
*Worship in the word
*Worship in prayer
*Worship in puppetry & skits
*Teaching Good Stewardship
*Teaching the respect of God’s house
*Teaching to respect the reading of God’s Word & respect of prayer being made.
*Worship of Tithing/Offering